
Hello readers, welcome to The Transition Three.  We’re hopeful to become your one-stop-shop for all things basketball related.  We were formed in February, 2010, when three friends from high school living in physically separated areas of the country realized that what they talked about when they were together was, pretty much, basketball-centric.  We’ve got two Kobe lovers in our group, and one Kobe respecter.  We’ve got a white guy, a black guy, and a guy from Nepal.  We’ve each got our own unique opinions, idiosyncracies, and weaknesses for certain subjects, and we hope that you’ll want to engage us on them.  Commenting is encouraged, and you’ll see eventually that we’re each commenting on each other’s stories and links.  It’s our way of maintaining our friendship, our ongoing debate about basketball and the NBA, and putting some of our thoughts “out there.”

My name is Jackson, and I live in South Carolina.  I’m 6’4″ and rail-thin, but I find ways to make it work for me on the basketball court.  I’ve got a strange man-crush on Steve Nash, and for years, modeled my haircut after his.  You can expect some bizarre topics and opinions from me — I love basketball just like all of you, but sometimes my brain doesn’t work like a normal person’s.  I like disagreeing with people, often times just for the sake of disagreeing.  I think LeBron is the best player in the NBA right now, but I think the Lakers are the best team.  I’ve always been a Bulls fan, though – I was born in Chicago and lived there following college, and I’m convinced that LeBron and Chris Bosh are gonna team up with D-Rose in the Windy City next year to form a new Bulls dynasty.  I live right between the Bobcats and the Hawks, and while the Hawks are pretty good, don’t have a strong affinity for either one.  I typically play as the Suns when I play NBA Live 10… and I’m damn near unstoppable on XBOX Live.  My user name is “one skinnie j” if you ever feel like getting a lesson.

Once again, thanks for reading, and we’re hopeful that we can create a site where you can come to have your brain tickled about all things basketball related.  Check back often for updates – we’re planning on maintaining the site daily with micro-entries, and you can expect a full-length piece from each of us at least once or twice a week, if not more.  I’ll let Nate and Sub introduce themselves as they see fit.  Thanks for reading!

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